
 Cardiovascular activity is used for a couple reasons. People either use it to try to lose fat or to gain endurance conditioning.

If you’re going to use it to gain endurance, then get on a treadmill or go outside and slowly start to jog. As you feel yourself start to breathe harder, pay close attention to your breathing. If you find you can’t carry on a conversation very easily at all, then you need to slow it down. Even walk it off. Put your hands on your head to open your lungs so they can get air.  Attached is a heart rate chart so you can check your own pulse to see if you’re in your target range.Cardio - Warrior Teams Members - energy_zone_chart
Eventually what you want to do is get to the point where you can run, swim, bike, or use an elliptical etc.  consistently for about 20 minutes. Once you have that down, there are some fun events now that you can join to meet new people etc. There are paint blast runs, zombie runs, warrior dash and tough udder obstacle course runs. There are a lot of things you can do. can also coach you to any of these events including triathlons. Go under the help tab and click on, “I need a coach”
Some of the cardiovascular equipment out there targets different areas.
Treadmill- Targets legs
Stair Climber- Legs and glutes
Elliptical- Full body
Rowing- Legs, biceps and Back
A workout you can do that will get you in cardiovascular shape can be found in the metabolic training area, and the plyometric area under HIT training or HIIT training. Those are types of training where again; you’ll want to monitor your pulse and breathing.

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